
Untitled, 301p

Monotype. Oil, lacquer and soot on paper. 7" by 7".


More New Stuff

Since the cave painting project is developing in a satisfactory manor, I've decided to keep working in that vein. So here is a post of my next painting (in progress) in the same series.

Oil, lacquer, wood glue and sand on wood panel. Roughly 3' by 4'. The center part will eventually have a railroad track, receding into the horizon. I also might add a small amount of text or words/numbers but nothing as overtly narrative as the previous painting. I will also be doing, at least, a third painting in this series. I have not started it yet, but it will be my fifth and final painting for my painting class this semester. I'll make sure to put up a post for that painting as well. And again, please leave feedback. I'd love to hear your opinion.


Cave Painting - In Progress

It's been a while since I've added new stuff to the blog. For the most part that is because I've been too busy to get good pictures or scans of new work. Hopefully soon I can remedy that. But in the meantime, I thought I'd put a few pics up of one of my current projects.

In my painting class we were recently given the assignment to take a painting that is at least 100 years old and to make it contemporary. I decided to go old, really old. Wounded Bison Attacking a Man is a cave painting from Lascaux, France that was painted somewhere around 15,000 years ago give or take a few thousand. Here's what it looks like:

So why did I pick this painting? Some of it has to do with how old it is. The artist is long since dead, so there is absolutely no concern about stealing someone’s idea. But on the opposite side of that, this cave painting provides plenty of good source material so I can successfully steal someone else's idea. Allow me to explain.

The German artist Anselm Kiefer (whose painting Osiris and Isis is seen above) has by far the biggest influence on me. His paintings are full of references to a litany of mythologies and religious texts as well as astrology and history. His various combined references have created a visual vocabulary unique to himself. And this I would like to steal. Not his specific vocabulary, but the idea of having a web of references to revisit and develop over the course of a career.

The imagery in the cave painting from Lascaux is my first attempt at establishing my own visual vocabulary. Images from cave paintings are of particular usefulness to me due to their having been created before the advent of the written record. Any meaning that could be attached to these images are the result of speculation; which is to say their meaning has a certain amount of elasticity.

Kiefer’s work has often dealt with his own countries dreadful history and he has confronted the collective desire of post-war Germany to ignore this inglorious past. So for the task of contemporzing a 15, 000 year old painting I decided to address my own nations inglorious past and to tie in the wounded buffalo of the cave to the destruction of the Native American food supply, the buffalo. I have not yet finished this painting nor have I arrived at a title. But here’s what I got so far:

Oil, lacquor, sand and charcoal on wood panel. Roughly 3’ by 4’. The horns of the buffalo are missing simply because I haven't painted them in yet. The top, diagonal portion of the painting needs to be activated. Which is fancy speak for something needs to happen there. I'm currently trying to puzzle out what that will be. I also wonder if the piled figures behind the buffalo should have more highlights. I also need to remember that my blackberry has not the best camera and I think the picture has zapped alot of the life out of the actual painting.

Anyhow. This is one of the pieces I'm working on. I'll do my best to post the finished piece as soon as possible. And please, leave feedback.


Untitled, 301o

Monotype. Oil, lacquer and soot on paper. 7" by 7".

Untitled, 301n

Monotype. Oil, lacquer and soot on paper. 6" by 8".


New Sculpture

I just finished a sculpture course and took some quick photos of three of my pieces and uploaded them all as one post. When I get better pictures, I'll upload them all individually.

All of these are made of wood and finished with wax and/or boiled linseed oil.


Accidental Death, 200c

Acrylic, oil and found paper on wood. 4' by 4'.


Untitled, 301m

Monotype. Oil, acrylic and soot on paper. 5" by 6.5".

Untitled, 301i

Monotype. Oil, lacquer and soot on paper. 6" by 7".

Untitled, 301j

Monotype. Oil, lacquer and soot on paper. 6" by 7".

Untitled, 301k

Monotype. Oil, lacquer and soot on paper. 6" by 7".

Untitled, 301L

Monotype. Oil, lacquer and soot on paper. 6" by 7".

Untitled, 301h

Monotype. Oil, thinned gesso and soot on paper. 6" by 7".

Untitled, 301g

Monotype. Oil, lacquer and soot on paper. 4" by 6".

Untitled, 301f

Monotype. Oil, lacquer and soot on paper. 6.5" by 6.5".

Untitled, 301e

Monotype. Oil, acrylic, thinned gesso and soot on paper. 5" by 6.5".

Untitled, 301c

Monotype. Oil, lacquer and soot on paper. 6" by 7".

Untitled, 301d

Monotype. Oil, lacquer and soot on paper. 6.5" by 6.5".

Untitled, 301a

Monotype. Oil, lacquer and soot on paper. 6" by 7".

Untitled, 301b

Monotype. Oil, lacquer and soot on paper. 6.5" by 6.5".


Untitled, 300z

Monotype. Oil, lacquer and soot on paper. 6.5" by 6.5".

Untitled, 300v

Monotype. Oil, lacquer and soot on paper. 8" by 6".

Untitled, 300w

Monotype. Oil, lacquer and soot on paper. 6" by 8".

Untitled, 300x

Monotype. Oil, lacquer and soot on paper. 6" by 8".

Untitled, 300y

Monotype. Oil, lacquer and soot on paper. 6" by 7".

Untitled, 300u

Monotype. Oil and soot on paper. 8" by 8".

Untitled, 300t

Monotype. Oil, lacquer and soot on paper. 6" by 8".

Untitled, 300s

Monotype. Oil, lacquer and soot on paper. 6" by 8".

Untitled, 300q

Monotype, Oil, lacquer and soot on paper. 7" by 7"

Untitled, 300r

Monotype, Oil, lacquer and soot on paper. 7" by 7"

Untitled, 300p

Monotype, Oil, lacquer and soot on paper. 7" by 7"

Untitled, 300o

Monotype, Oil, lacquer and soot on paper. 7" by 7"

Untitled, 300n

Monotype, Oil, lacquer and soot on paper. 7" by 7"

Untitled, 300m

Monotype, Oil, lacquer and soot on paper. 7" by 7"

Untitled, 300L

Monotype, Oil, lacquer and soot on paper. 7" by 7"

Untitled, 300k

Monotype, Oil, lacquer and soot on paper. 7" by 7"

Untitled, 300i

Monotype, Oil, lacquer and soot on paper. 7" by 7"

Untitled, 300j

Monotype, Oil, lacquer and soot on paper. 7" by 7"

Untitled, 300h

Monotype, Oil, lacquer and soot on paper. 7" by 7"

Untitled, 300g

Monotype, Oil, lacquer and soot on paper. 7" by 7"

Untitled, 300f

Monotype. Oil, acrylic, lacquer and soot on paper. 7" by 7"


Untitled, 300a

Monotype, Oil, lacquer and soot on paper. 6" by 9"

untitled, 100o

Charcoal, oil, acrylic, sand and coffee on paper. 22" by 30"